Hey Birmingham! We’ll sell your unwanted valuables so that you don’t have to.

How does it work?
Moving, downsizing, or clearing out?

- Estate Sales
- Antiques
- Liquidation
- Moving & Downsizing
- Luxury Items
- Industrial Items
- Storage Units
- Auctions
- Transition to Care Facility
Maybe later then!
Frequently Asked Questions

Does Peddling Post handle estates?
Peddling Post can be hired to handle estates. We handle all details including setting up the sales and we can also handle remaining items, post estate sale, to potentially sell on both local platforms and online platforms at our discretion.
How much are my items worth?
Peddling Post can be hired to tell you what an item is worth for $15 per item. We will give you comps on similar items and our assessment of what the item is worth vs. what we believe it will sell for in today’s resell market. Once fee is paid, feedback will be provided within 24 hours Monday – Friday.
When will I be paid?
Proceeds are paid out once or twice a year by request. Requests take a minimum of a week and payouts are made by check or Venmo (under allowed Venmo amount).
Do you accept large items such as furniture?
Yes, we accept large items, however it’s at the discretion of Peddling Post. If Peddling Post agrees to sell a large item Peddling Post may negotiate a lower commission.
Will my items be insured?
Peddling Post is not able to insure sellers (consigners) items because Peddling Post doesn’t own the items.
Is there a limit to how many items I can list?
Yes! The limit is based on the type of items being consigned and determined by Peddling Post.
What kind of items cannot be sold by Peddling Post?
All items must come from pet free and smoke free homes.
We do not sell items that are not in excellent condition; if any items have blemishes or imperfections Peddling Post must approve the item before agreeing to consign/sell it.”
What is the life cycle of a listing?
Life cycle is determined by Peddling Post and depends on the type of item being consigned. If an item is determined to be unsellable, by Peddling Post, the item is donated to a local charity or repurposed if not in donation condition.
Where will you sell my items?
Peddling Post will sell your items using online resources such as: Peddling Post’s Instagram page, Peddling Post’s Facebook page, and Poshmark. Peddling Post utilizes 100+ platforms to sell items. It is Peddling Post discretion where items will be listed and on what platforms.
Can I set a reserve on the items I sell?
Peddling Post determines the listing prices of all inventory. Smaller inventory that sells on online platforms such as Poshmark: we start by pricing at a high median range for resell and negotiate offers as needed. Over time (one month, two months, three months etc.) we will reduce the pricing to move the item. Unless we have communicated otherwise.
The seller cannot be price sensitive and work with Peddling Post. Peddling Post will sell their items but cannot hold onto inventory for longer than 6-12 months and the pricing must be negotiable. Peddling Post will provide pricing comps on resell value of items if needed to provide proof of pricing but only upon request and not to be abused by the seller.
Sellers can expect 1/3 or 25% resell value on most items. That is the current resell market. Some items can resell for 50% but that is unusual and only in highly sought resell items. Some items will not resell for 25% of original purchase price if an undesirable item. Peddling Post promises to always be straight forward with our opinion of where we expect inventory resell value to fall.
Large inventory items are priced at a high median range for the first week of a listing. Each week the listing will be reduced (over 6 weeks) until the item is sold. If the item remains unsold after 6 weeks the seller can pick up the item(s) or Peddling Post will donate the item(s) on behalf of the seller. A donation receipt is not provided to the seller.
No items with a resell value of UNDER $50 will be accepted by Peddling Post. Peddling Post has full discretion on what inventory they will accept.
If items received from the seller are broken, stained, pieces missing, torn, smell badly etc. Peddling Post will responsibly recycle, repurpose or donate the item. Peddling Post will notify the sellers and discard the item(s).